Tempest, Acrylic, charcoal, and pastel on styrofoam, 2021

Emmi, Baby, Acrylic, charcoal, and pastel on paper, 2021

Dolphin, Acrylic, charcoal, and pastel on paper, 2021

Big Ass Mound Sniffer, Acrylic, charcoal, and pastel on paper, 2021

The Bather, Acrylic, charcoal, pastel, and collage on panel, 2021

Icy Waters, Acrylic, charcoal, and pastel on paper, 2021

Chemical X, Acrylic, charcoal, and pastel on paper, 2021

Latex and Dandruff, Acrylic, charcoal, and pastel on paper, 2021

Awe, Acrylic, charcoal, and pastel on paper, 2021

Hermsky, Acrylic, charcoal, and pastel on paper, 2021

Revised Hermsky, Acrylic, charcoal, and pastel on paper, 2021


/Spring 2022


/Jungle Jacuzzi