Grotesquie Burying the Body and Peeing in the Pool, Acrylic on paper, 2021

Grotesquie Burying the Body and Peeing in the Pool, Acrylic on paper, 2021

Really Sitting, Acrylic on panel, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Really Sitting, Acrylic on panel, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Moving Around, Acrylic on panel, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Moving Around, Acrylic on panel, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Jungle Jacuzzi, Acrylic on paper, 2021

Jungle Jacuzzi, Acrylic on paper, 2021

Garbage Jacuzzi, Acrylic on canvas, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Garbage Jacuzzi, Acrylic on canvas, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Hideout, Acrylic, collage, charcoal, tape, and paper-pulp on paper, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Hideout, Acrylic, collage, charcoal, tape, and paper-pulp on paper, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Grin and Bear It, charcoal, and colored pencil on paper, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Grin and Bear It, charcoal, and colored pencil on paper, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Summer in the City, Gouache and charcoal on paper, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

The Swimmers, Acrylic on paper, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Luxury Triptych, Acrylic, paper-pulp, graphite and collage on plywood, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Luxury Triptych, Acrylic, paper-pulp, graphite and collage on plywood, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Dylan by Toes, Oil, Acrylic, and charcoal on paper, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Dylan by Toes, Oil, Acrylic, and charcoal on paper, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Ladydung, Charcoal and colored pencil, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)

Ladydung, Charcoal and colored pencil, 2021 (Made during ChaShaMa North Residency)


/In the Midst

